Mardi Gras

March 22, 2017

Photograph By: MD Black Photography


While everyone was whooping it up in Trinidad for Carnival, I experienced another Carnival-esque celebration. Nope not New Orleans Mardi Gras, but apparently St. Louis (where I now live) is home to the second biggest in the country.

There were large floats, themed and with everyone decked out in costumes ranging from frightfully horrific to fruit vendors. There was a large contingent of Brazilian revelers no doubt nostalgic for their own Carnavale, using this, just like me, as a band-aid.  Drinks were easy to find with lots of vendors lining the streets and music and beads galore. While there was of course no Trini bacchanal, a good time was definitely had by all!

Enjoy photos from: MD Black Photography & Nth Degree Designs

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