It's a New Generation for GenerationX
Posted by Farrah Chow-Quan on
Our Miami Carnival segment continues with legacy band Generation X. Matthew Waddell, a director for the big band GenX had a sit down me as we chatted about the direction the band is taking in 2019, the changes, the vision, the rejuvenation!
For almost 20 years Generation X - or GenX as it most affectionately called - has been a major player for Miami Carnival. Matthew gave us some behind-the-scenes of what it takes to position a big band like GenX for even more growth as they continue to be a band to be reckoned with on the Miami 'road'.
Of course, the topic of the "Road" came up again and I decided I must have an authority on this as a guest to the show, let's get to the nitty gritty of why oh why we have no road!
But back on topic, it was interesting to hear how GenX has positioned themselves to correct mistakes made in the past, to wow and entertain their masses, how they've aligned with partners spanning the global carnivals, how they're no longer playing Mr. Nice Guy and will blow you away with their costume designs...there are so many moving pieces to builiding a band it's exhausting.
What I do know is, for the 19 years that I've lived in South Florida, GenX has always been a respected and sought after band and they will continue their legacy. It's great to see that they've taken a proactive approach to zhuszhing up (if you can pronounce that word props to you, it's my made-up word for refreshing) the brand, it takes insight, strategic thinking and being a visionary to continue learning, growing and shaking up the game!
2019 the New Generation Reveals!
Instagram: @GenXCarnival
Website: SOLD OUT
XS Weekend Pass: