Trinidad Carnival 2018: Things I Learned

March 07, 2018

If you follow me on social media then you would know that while I was in Trinidad for my 29 days of carnival (yes, 29!) I started a nightly ritual.

Something that thousands of people tuned in every night to read. It was “Things I Learned Today”. I had NO idea how successful these mini blog posts would become so now I’m sharing them with you.

I noted things that stuck out during my day; things that I learned. For example: Emergen-C will save your life this carnival.

Simple yet relatable!

If you don’t follow me on Instagram, you should definitely do that! @azaleazoe

Here are some of the things I learned while in Trinidad for Carnival. Enjoy!

Week One:

  • People in Vas got more amped when Savannah played over Soca Kingdom
  • I don’t like White Oak
  • Not to ever assume that I wont eat curry with my hands…even if my nails are nude. That wont stop me.




  • I’m on the fence about which song I want for Road March
  • I can tolerate White Oak
  • It is super easy to walk/jump/skip in 6ft stilts. Or so those men made it seem tonight.
  • Not to nap in between parties because I wont want to go anymore
  • I might be 19 again because I've REALLY been enjoying rum and coke these days
  • I LOVE Hennessy




  • Machel performing Soca Kingdom without Super Blue is *eyeroll*
  • After hearing Soca Kingdom performed WITH Super Blue…every pore on my body raised
  • There’s a switch in my bathroom that’s supposed to give me hot water…it doesnt.
  • Men ARE actually asking permission to wine. I like this.
  • Murphy’s Law. Anything that can go wrong…will. BUT WE JAMMIN STILL.
  • Bacchanal Road was E-P-I-C
  • Soca Kingdom vs Savannah IS REAL
  • I can tolerate White Oak
  • This carnival is going to be AMAZING



Weeks two, three and four get a little crazy…if you want to see what transpired over those weeks. I put it into a Carnivlog. Check it out below!



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