That Special Festival Feeling!
Posted by Farrah Chow-Quan on

Waiting to board my flight for Trinidad Carnival I got to talking about that special Carnival feeling. I often have to explain my job to people. I design shoes and curate a website of accessories for Carnival Masqueraders – people who don’t know about Carnival/Carnavale, Music Festivals, well they just don’t get it. Okay, so we don pretty costumes and dance in the streets. We spend thousands of dollars to enjoy an elaborate street party?! Well it really is so much more that that isn’t it?
Masqueraders know what I’m talking about when I say “that special Carnival feeling”. It really is difficult to explain, because how do you translate a feeling, an emotion into words that gives it justice. Masqueraders can all pinpoint that one moment we experience on the road or in a fete when you get that euphoria washing over you. You forget your worries, forget the bills and adulting that’s waiting for you, you just live blissfully in that moment. And we keep on coming back, addicted to that feeling; we need to relive that experience over and over again.
Major kudos to promoters, entertainers and band leaders that recognize that and hone their craft to give us masqueraders and party-goers the opportunity to indulge in our drug of choice. I know many of you are saying now, nah it’s the alcohol, drinks plentiful! Sure alcohol is in abundance, but I’ve had many carnivals where I didn’t drink, so I know that it isn’t responsible for creating that feeling. It’s the cumulative effect of music, atmosphere, camaraderie, and tapping into our primal tribal mentality.
So here we are! It’s that time of the year for the greatest show on earth. Go find your TRIBE, indulge your PASSION, live out your Carnival FANTASY, transform into a TRINI REVELER and I’m sure you’ll find that BLISS-ful Carnival feeling (see what I did there!)
Enjoy a safe and stress free Carnival people…I’ll see you on the road!
PS: Suggestions welcome on how I coulda fit YUMA in there lol!