Let's Start Something Big!
Posted by Farrah Chow-Quan on
I'm hoping we can start something BIG
that has the power to unite us!
I read an interview by Kees Dieffenthaller somewhere in the middle of the season that spurred me to jumpstart on an idea I had, so I started our survey (which by the way has already garnered >1,000 votes). I blogged previously that I was a huge fan of his current hit "Savannah Grass", and in this interview he spoke about how Trinidad's Road March competition is not so much about an overall favorite song as it is about the favorite song specifically for the stage (not actually chosen by the people but by the DJ's) ...I'm doing a bad job at giving the cliff notes of this interview and I added some of my own 2 cents in there, but you get the gist.
Most carnival enthusiasts knew that Famalay by Skinny Fabulous, Bunji Garlin and Machel Montano would cop the Road March Title. Trust me my ramblings here takes nothing away from them or that song. It's a get-on-bad and mashup the stage song! But at the same time many HOPED the pore-rasing Savannah Grass could cop the title.
So what about those other songs that truly move us? As Kees mentioned, we should be at a point of evolving Carnival to where we can measure and award the song most played on the road.
So all this to say.,..this isn't exactly that, lol! Carnival Kicks has become a part of Carnivals around the globe, we have customers that come to us when they are preparing for festivals all over the Caribbean, North America, Europe and even Asia! So we're taking this global.
While we're not going to count how many times a track was played on the road we are taking a pulse check of what the people are feeling as their favorite song for the season! And our Caribbean Carnival season spans an entire calendar year.
I love Famalay but Savannah Grass touched my heart… A Road March can be a sing along slower song… especially when it is such a sweet song!!!