"The Dre Effect" - Andre Choo Quan of Trini Jungle Juice

December 30, 2019


The Choo Quan brothers are the quintessential Carnival Ambassadors!  They have after all shared stories, videos, and photos of carnivals around the world with the world...and they've been doing this for as long as I could remember.

I got a chance to chat with Andre Choo Quan, you may know him as the face of Trini Jungle Juice (TJJ). TJJ has become synonymous with Carnivals around the world. No matter which carnival or fete you've attended in your lifetime I guarantee it was documented by the popular media house. 

Andre is everyone's loveable host. In this episode, he shares with us how they got started, the story behind the name, and the growth and future of TJJ. We also get silly with a fun, not-so-rapid-fire drill of 10 questions with Dre. 

Tune in and find out if this blondie has more fun, maybe it's the hair, or maybe it's just the "Dre effect".

Website: www.trinijunglejuice.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/trinijunglejuice

Andre's Instagram: www.instagram.com/thecarnivalref

Youtube: www.youtube.com/trinijunglejuice


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